Liposuction Side Effects, Risks, Safety

Liposuction is considered a surgical procedure and involves removing unwanted fat deposits from targeted areas of the body. It is important that a qualified cosmetic surgeon with expertise in liposuction perform the procedure to ensure patient safety and optimal results. Dr. Angelina Postoev, founder of SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics, is a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon who specializes in Vaser and other liposuction techniques.

Depending on the number of areas where liposuction will be performed, it may be done under general anesthesia (meaning that the patient is asleep) or using localized sedation.


What Are The Risks Of Liposuction?

As with any surgical procedure, liposuction has certain risks that may be possible. The use of general anesthesia carries certain risks and side effects by itself such as nausea and vomiting, etc. Some complications that may arise during or after liposuction include:

  • Swelling;
  • Bruising;
  • Loose skin;
  • Uneven contouring;
  • Numbness
  • Fat embolism;
  • Seroma (fluid build-up);
  • Skin discoloration;
  • Thermal injury;
  • Blood clots;

How Safe Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is considered safe and relatively low-risk when performed by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has had extensive experience with the procedure. An expert in the art of liposuction will understand the delicate balance of creating natural and aesthetically pleasing contours while making safety the top priority.

Some of the precautions that are in place to ensure liposuction is done safely are that the patient must be at least 18 years old, and no more than 5 liters of fat can be removed from a patient during one liposuction procedure.

Another safety measure is that patients must wear special compression garments after having liposuction to mitigate the side effects of swelling and bruising. It is also important to follow all the aftercare instructions outlined by the surgeon to ensure proper healing and to avoid unwanted complications.

Is Liposuction Safe For An Older Person?

There is no age limit for liposuction, as long as the patient is in good health and their medical evaluation looks good. That being said, the results of the procedure will depend on the quality of the individual’s skin. As people get older, their skin normally loses its firmness and elasticity. This can make it harder for their skin to adjust to their new contours after liposuction, leaving loose or saggy areas that compromise the results of their procedure.

If you are considering liposuction, make sure you choose a qualified board-certified cosmetic surgeon, like Dr. Angelina Postoev. She will look over your medical history and advise you on whether the procedure will provide you with the results you desire. She and the team at SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics will give you instructions on what you can do both before and after your liposuction procedure to reduce your risk of complications and ensure excellent results.

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