Votiva Treatment for Vaginal Rejuvenation

How Votiva Treatments Eliminate Incontinence Without Surgery (and More)

Unfortunately, the natural process of aging, and associated side effects can also take their toll in places that nobody tells you about, nor is it something that would ever casually come up in conversation. Today we are going to talk about vaginal rejuvenation with Votiva treatments and share some information that hopefully will be helpful to you if you are among the many women who could benefit from this knowledge.

Childbirth and aging can take their toll on the female body. We all know that visible signs of aging start to show up on our faces in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and loss of volume. The reduction in collagen production that affects the skin on our faces happens everywhere.

Many women experience issues with vaginal dryness or incontinence after they reach a certain age, and the results of childbirth can cause trauma to our vagina, labia, and vaginal passageway due to the extensive stretching that occurs. Many women also experience the reduction of sexual sensitivity or experience pain during sex. Great news ladies: there is a treatment for this and it does not involve surgery!

What Is Votiva?

The Votiva treatment is an FDA-approved, non-invasive, and non-surgical rejuvenation procedure that is used to address both aesthetic and functional changes to the vagina caused by stretching or the natural process of aging.

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a term that has been given to label procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, that help tighten the vagina or the entire vaginal canal, enhance the appearance of the labia or vulva, address incontinence, and heighten sexual sensations.

How Does Votiva Treatment Work?

The Votiva system consists of three different handheld devices that are each specifically created to target and treat a particular area. Each device uses radiofrequency energy to remodel the collagen that exists in the targeted area as well as stimulate additional collagen production.

Also, the heat causes micro-injuries to the treated areas causing the body’s naturally occurring healing ability to kick in, increasing the blood flow to the area, and promoting new cells’ growth. This process also tightens the surrounding tissue, repairs nerve endings that are instrumental in sexual sensation stimulation, and provides lubrication.

Demonstration: Votiva Treatment for Vaginal Rejuvenation

Votiva Treatment Devices

Votiva treatments can be done using one of the devices or a combination depending on what the desired results are. Each device targets a specific area and provides solutions to different conditions.

  • FormaV is a wand-like device that is inserted into the vaginal canal and treats pelvic floor muscles. It tightens up the interior of the vaginal canal and helps restore muscle control that can heighten sexual pleasure as well as keep you from peeing on yourself while sneezing. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open Journal published a study in 2019 that found Votiva treatments to be extremely effective in improving the contraction ability of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Aviva is the device that is used to treat the vulva and the surrounding areas. It was designed to rejuvenate the functionality as well as the appearance of the labia minora and majora, clitoral hood, and vulva. It shrinks excess tissues as well as stimulates more blood flow to the area. This surgical procedure is called labiaplasty and is done by removing excess tissue.
  • Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency energy in tandem with microneedling to administer heat deep under the skin’s surface to prompt both remodeling of subdermal tissues and the resurfacing of the epidermis.

What Happens During the Votiva Treatment?

Each treatment takes about 30-minutes and involves the strategic application of the different Votiva tools around the vulva and inside the vagina addressing targeted concerns. Obviously, it is important that the patient feels very comfortable with the professional that will be performing the procedure.

It is normal to feel some very mild cramping, bladder pressure or a warm sensation during the treatment but it should be tolerable. A numbing cream can be applied to external tissues and the medical professional can also adjust the intensity of the treatment. Most patients report that the procedure is painless.

What Is the Recovery Time after Votiva Treatments?

Votiva does not have any associated downtime, and you can pretty much resume your normal activities right away. The only aftercare instructions associated with the procedure are to hold off on having sex for three days and avoid hot tubs and hot baths.

Are the Results of Votiva Treatments Permanent?

Because our bodies continue to age, the results of Votiva treatments may not be permanent. Research has shown that they can last anywhere from 8 months to 3 years, with the upside of avoiding surgery. Most patients do a follow up at six months to a year, and then annual maintenance treatments.

How Many Votiva Treatments Are Recommended?

Most patients require three sessions performed over a three-month period and spaced a month apart.

What Issues Do Votiva Treatments Address?

Votiva treatments can help:

  • Strengthen weak vaginal muscles;
  • Increase blood circulation;
  • Heighten sensations during intercourse;
  • Tighten up the vaginal canal stretched through childbirth or natural aging process;
  • Increase vaginal hydration;
  • Eliminate pain during sex;
  • Help bolster sex drive and increase self-esteem;
  • Eliminate or lessen urinary incontinence. This benefit is worth mentioning as many women assume surgery is the only method available to address this very real, highly embarrassing, frustrating situation. Many women lose vaginal muscle tone due to having children or going through menopause. This can cause embarrassing situations because if they cough, sneeze or jump they experience urinary incontinence. Votiva treatments can drastically improve the vaginal muscle tone after only 3 treatments.

If you are experiencing urinary incontinence, vaginal issues, or sexual dysfunction related to childbirth, menopause, the effects of aging, do not give up! IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa can help you address these issues. Set up a consultation with Dr. Angelina Posteov today to confidentially discuss your concerns and find the right treatments to help you achieve the results you desire.

Dr. Angelina Poestov, MD, FACS, a triple-board certified cosmetic surgeon, and Dr. Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer Votiva treatments to female patients in Buckhead, Suwanee, Johns Creek, Loganville, and the surrounding areas of Atlanta, GA.

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