Does Stem Cell Skincare Work?

If you follow or purchase skin care products, you have probably noticed that stem cells are being mentioned frequently and more products are including them as key ingredients. But do you know what stem cell skin care is all about?

Today we are going to talk about what it means when a product is labeled as stem cell skincare. We will tell you where these stem cells come from, how they can benefit your skin, and where you can find high-quality skin care products that contain stem cells for anti-aging as well as stem cell face creams that target other skin care concerns.

What Is A Stem Cell?

A stem cell is like a “blank” cell in your body that can become any other type of cell. It’s special because it has the ability to duplicate itself and turn into different types of cells, like skin cells, muscle cells, or blood cells, depending on what your body needs. Stem cells help repair damaged areas and keep your body healthy by replacing old or injured cells.

Scientists have been researching stem cells since the late 1950s, and today human stem cells are used in a variety of different therapies, and plant stem cells have been found to be a beneficial ingredient in skin care products.

Stem Cells In Skin Care Products

The stem cells used in cosmetics and skincare products are typically found in the leaves, stems, and roots of different plants. Stem cells are sort of like wild cards; they are blank and can be turned into any type of cell that is needed. When plant stem cells are used in skin care, it is actually the purest form of stem cell extracts that are used because the stem cells themselves cannot survive outside of the plant.

Plant stem cell extracts can help brighten skin, boost the production of new collagen, repair damaged cells, and more. They can also protect your skin against free radicals, are full of antioxidants and peptides, and they have anti-inflammatory properties. When a variety of plant stem cell extracts are included in products like tri-stem cell or triple stem cell creams, they offer concentrated anti-aging benefits that can help your complexion look more radiant and youthful.

Many skincare products contain plant extracts that are not considered “stem cell extracts,” but they are also very beneficial to your skin. They can help hold in moisture, reverse signs of aging, provide protection from sun damage, remove impurities, balance oil production, brighten the skin, and repair damaged cells.

Does Stem Cell Skincare Work?

Yes, stem cell skin care can be very effective, but it depends upon the quality of the product and the concentration of the stem cell extract or other botanicals. High-quality products such as Tri-Stem Cell Moisturizer With Bakuchiol and others in the ORI OR skincare line that are labeled tri-stem cell or triple stem cell are formulated with a concentrated blend of plant stem cell extracts that are easily absorbed by the skin and provide noticeable results. When used consistently, you will see a noticeable reduction in fine lines and other signs of aging, and your skin will look healthier and more even-toned.

What Are Some Of The Best Plant Stem Cells For Skincare?

Some of the best plant stem cell extracts used in skincare treatments today are the ones that reverse the signs of aging and the ones that hydrate and protect your skin from further damage. Some of the different plants that stem cell extracts are derived from include:

Malus Domestica (Apple)

This extract comes from the stem cells of a special type of Swiss apple called Uttwiler spatlauber that is known for its longevity and its special ability to regenerate.

Researchers in Switzerland conducted experiments on human skin cells and discovered that this stem cell extract boosted certain genes that helped the cells grow and repair themselves and prompted the production of an antioxidant that helped provide ongoing protection for the skin.

These stem cells provide amazing anti-aging benefits and help boost collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, a four-week trial was conducted to test the benefits of using Swiss apple plant stem cell extract on crow’s feet which resulted in marked improvements.

A cream containing 2% concentration of the plant stem cell extract was applied to the participants’ crow’s feet twice a day over a 4-week period of time. The depth of their wrinkles was measured using 3-D technology and also photographed before and at certain intervals during the trial. After using the cream for only two weeks, the depth of the indentation from the crows feet was significantly decreased, and the appearance continued to improve at the four-week mark.

Argan Tree

Argan stem cell extract helps to both improve the skin’s elasticity and firmness and is often used in anti-aging products to reduce wrinkles and improve the skin’s appearance.


Edelweiss stem cells are full of antioxidants and help protect the skin from damage caused by the environment, the sun’s UV rays, and free radicals.


Grape stem cells have powerful antioxidant properties and can protect against UV sun damage and trigger skin cells to repair themselves.

Alpine Rose

The stem cell extract from the Alpine rose can help strengthen the skin’s barrier and protect it from pollution and the damage caused by harsh climates.


Stem cell extract from lilacs can help reduce inflammation, control excess oil, and treat acne, so this is often used in products that target blemish control.

Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica)

Gotu Kola stem cell extract helps promote collagen production, wound healing, and reduce inflammation. This extract is often added to skincare products to help reduce the visible signs of aging.

Other Plant Extracts Often Used For SkinCare

Aside from the ones that are gathered from plant stem cells, there are many other botanically sourced extracts that provide amazing benefits to your skin. Some of the extracts that you may find in your skincare products include:

  • Aloe Vera;
  • Green Tea Extract;
  • Chamomile Extract;
  • Rosehip Oil;
  • Cucumber Extract;
  • Calendula Extract;
  • Licorice Root Extract;
  • Comfrey Extract;
  • Sunflower Oil;
  • Ginseng;
  • Ginkgo Biloba;
  • Witch Hazel;
  • So many more!

Plants have been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for many centuries, and many have been researched by scientists and proven to be beneficial to your skin and health. Sadly, many companies choose to use artificial ingredients in their products instead of naturally sourced, healthier alternatives like plant-based extracts.

Fortunately, you can control the products that you choose to use on your skin and put into your body. Start researching the ingredients that are included in your skincare products and choose the ones that use the most high-quality natural ingredients. Many plant extracts are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and essential oils that can nourish, hydrate, and protect your skin, as well as promote cell repair in ways that synthetic alternatives often cannot.

Investing in quality skin care products that you use consistently can help protect your skin against many different types of damage and even repair some of the damage that has already occurred. Check out the ORI OR skincare line developed by Dr. Angelina Postoev and available at the SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics front office or online.

To learn more about cosmetic treatments that can correct the cosmetic concerns that you have about your complexion, set up a personal consultation today! One of our Med Spa treatments may be exactly what you are looking for.

Plant Stem Cell FAQs

What Is Stem Cell Treatment for Skin?

When the term stem cell treatment for skin is used, it means that extracts from plant stem cells are topically applied to the skin to repair damage done by the environment, the sun, aging, etc., or to guard against further damage.

Because plant stem cells can regenerate themselves, these pure extracts are intended to be used to jumpstart the production of collagen and new skin cells and to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. These ingredients are often used in serums, creams, and masks, but how well they work will depend upon their concentration, so it is important to check the labels to make sure you get the results you want.

Which Stem Cell Product Is the Best?

This will depend upon the specific concern you are targeting and the specific needs of your skin. Products that say tri-stem cell or triple stem cell will usually have a combination of botanically based ingredients, and if the concentrations are high enough, they will provide noticeable results.

How Do Stem Cells Rebuild Collagen Under the Skin Layers?

As we age, the collagen our skin naturally produces decreases, which can cause the skin to sag and wrinkles to form. Plant stem cell extracts can help rebuild collagen by triggering skin cell turnover and repairing and enhancing the skin’s strength and elasticity.

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