Postoperative Care for Patients Operated Out of State or Abroad

$ 250


Traveling for surgery to another state or country can be economically attractive to some people, although it’s carrying certain risks. Postoperative care is an important consideration when you plan a surgery, especially if you go outside of your home state or country. Thus, we want to make sure our patients are aware of potential postoperative needs and are prepared to address them.
What Is Postoperative Care?
Postoperative care is professional medical care following a surgical procedure. Each surgery is very individual, thus the recovery process and postoperative care vary greatly. Type of surgery, the patient’s condition, gender, and age play a role.- monitoring the patient’s health condition after surgery;
- preventing possible postoperative complications;
- managing pain;
- speeding up the healing process;
- resuming physical activities;
- psychological rehabilitation;
- returning to a healthy life.
Postoperative Care for Patients of Other Surgeons
Obviously, people will continue traveling to different states or countries for surgeries no matter what. If something unexpected happens during or after the procedure, you have to either stay in that state or country in the hospital and pay additional fees for the airplane tickets’ exchange, extra care, additional hospital stay, or you have to find a surgeon at home who will take care of you. And it’s not an easy task. Many surgeons prefer not to take on patients that were operated by other surgeons for a number of different reasons. At IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, Dr. Angelina Postoev provides postoperative care for patients that had surgery in other clinics. Postoperative care for such patients includes:
“Well-check” After Surgery
Patients after surgeries performed outside of their home state or country are often stressed back at home and need support of an experienced surgeon to confirm that the recovery is going well. They usually search for a local surgeon and call with the only request: “I don’t know if I’m doing well, I am seeking reassurance.”
Dealing With Complications After Surgery
There are many different complications of various complexity that may happen after surgery, and having an experienced surgeon around is critical. Here are a few common examples of postoperative concerns:
- Patients suspecting that they have seroma (fluid somewhere in the body after surgery) that needs to be evaluated and possibly drained;
- People who come back from the surgery with drains in place (plastic tubes inserted into the body after a tummy tuck or liposuction) that need to be evaluated and removed by a surgeon;
- People with necrotic skin that needs to be addressed and requires wound care;
- People suspecting that they may have a blood clot after surgery. They need an ultrasound for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
How Much Do Follow Ups Cost for a Newcomer?
Obviously, when a patient calls for a consultation for post-op care it’s different from a free cosmetic consultation. It’s no longer a cosmetic inquiry, now we’re dealing with complications or other concerns. Standard surgical fee will apply.
At IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa , postop fees are transparent: $250 per consult, and you can easily request and pay for it online. Dr. Angelina Postoev is a triple-board certified cosmetic and general surgeon. She will meet with you in person to address your concerns.
Everyone’s postoperative care needs are unique; therefore, the total costs of postoperative care may vary. There are lots of services that may be needed after surgery, and it has to be considered when you travel to other states or countries for surgery to understand the full potential cost of the surgery.
Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board-certified cosmetic and general surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer expert postoperative care to patients operated abroad or out of state who reside in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, Buckhead, and the surrounding areas of Atlanta, Georgia.