Mommy Makeover Recovery

Mommy Makeover Recovery Week by Week

Mommy makeovers consist of a customized group of services chosen by the client to repair or reverse any structural or cosmetic damage done to a woman’s body by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Depending on which procedures are used and whether they are surgical or non-surgical in nature will affect the details of her recovery and associated downtime. Recovery time and aftercare requirements are key elements to consider when planning your mommy makeover and choosing the procedures to include.

What Issues Can A Mommy Makeover Fix?

A mommy makeover can repair both structural and cosmetic damage that occurred as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

Cosmetic damage would include anything that changed and appears less aesthetically pleasing to the patient than before the pregnancy occurred. This might include stretch marks on the stomach, loose skin (belly pouch), saggy breasts, unwanted localized fat deposits, etc.

Cosmetic damage could also include repairing dry skin, reducing pregnancy-induced acne scars, eliminating dark circles under her eyes caused by lack of sleep, etc. Anything that would boost the patient’s self-esteem and make her feel more self-confident about the way she looks could be considered a cosmetic repair.

Structural damage would include repairs that are done to fix an area of support or issues related to the way the body functions.

Pregnancy can sometimes cause abdominal muscles that are responsible for supporting a woman’s core to separate which can cause ongoing back pain. Muscles in the pelvic floor can be damaged and result in urinary incontinence or leaking bowels.

Structural damage can also be caused to the vaginal area during childbirth and cause sexual dysfunction issues.

The good news is that through the cutting-edge advancements available today in cosmetic surgery and procedures, these cosmetic and structural issues can be corrected.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Time

Since mommy makeovers are individually customized and could include a vast array of procedures, we will look at the 3 top procedures usually associated with a mommy makeover and their related recovery times.

Full or mini tummy tuck patients can usually return to work about 2 weeks post-op but must wait until six weeks post-op to do any lifting or substantial exercising.

Liposuction – the newer liposuction techniques allow patients to return to work within 1 to 2 days but they must still wait the standard six-week period before resuming strenuous exercise or lifting. Compression garments must be worn according to instructions provided by the surgeon most often for at least 4 weeks.

A breast augmentation can consist of the addition of breast implants, a breast lift, a combination of both implants and a lift, or a breast reduction.

  • Breast lift – most patients can return to work after a week if they have a sedentary job and after two weeks if their job is more active. Full recovery normally takes about six weeks.
  • Breast implants – most patients can return to work after 3 days but must wait 4-6 weeks before any strenuous exercising or heavy lifting.
  • Breast reduction – most patients need about two weeks off of work and then the full six-week recovery time before returning to all their normal activities.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Timeline

Usually, the procedure that requires the most downtime and associated recovery is the mommy makeover tummy tuck which generally is about six weeks. In addition to the tummy tuck, most patients will also simultaneously be recovering from liposuction and some type of breast augmentation as part of their mommy makeover. Neither procedure should extend the recovery time period beyond the usual six weeks related to the tummy tuck.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Day By Day

Day 1 – The first 24 hours after a mommy makeover

  • Immediately after mommy makeover surgery, the patient is taken to a short-term recovery area for them to wake up from anesthesia.
  • The after-effects of general anesthesia may cause nausea or vomiting for a few hours but should subside before the next day.
  • The patient will be given pain medication to help with discomfort.
  • Some mommy makeovers may require a night in a recovery-type suite at a surgical center or hospital. This is to limit the risk of postoperative complications or infections.

Day 2-3

  • Patients who experience no complications are discharged to return home to recover.
  • Patients will need someone to drive them home and stay with them for at least the first week. Patients will be instructed to avoid any routine household tasks for at least a week and any lifting for up to six weeks.
  • For patients with children or pets that need attention, it is particularly important to set up a plan of help before the mommy makeover procedure.

Overview Week By Week Mommy Makeover Recovery

Week 1

  • Most patients describe this week as being the most intense after their mommy makeover surgery. The combination of surgeries and aftermath of general anesthesia places your body into a shock-like state. Aside from eating, sleeping, using the restroom, and completing your “doctor ordered” tiny walks to avoid blood clots, you should be prepared to do very little else.
  • You will be uncomfortable, swollen, and sore and will probably not be able to walk completely upright but this is normal.
  • You do not want to elevate your heart rate for the first two weeks after surgery and your surgeon will instruct you to avoid any activities that would do so.
  • It is important that you do not overdo it and that you utilize the help you have previously arranged for household routine chores, shopping, meals, pet, childcare, etc.

Week 2

  • You should be feeling better from your mommy makeover this week and even transitioned from the prescribed pain medication to over-the-counter versions to ease any discomfort. If working from home is possible, it would be recommended during week 2 of recovery after your mommy makeover procedure.
  • Your surgical sites will still be sore to the touch and you will still tire easily. Rest is still very important and if possible you should try to take at least one nap a day.
  • You will need to be taking brief walks as directed by your surgeon during the day but you may become fatigued easily which is normal.
  • If you are an ‘out of town’ patient the surgeon will normally clear you to travel home during week two of your mommy makeover recovery.
  • If you have an office-type job your surgeon may clear you to return to work as well as to drive during week 2.

Week 3

  • Many patients find week 3 after mommy makeover procedures the most frustrating but for different reasons.
  • Some feel like they are getting back to feeling almost normal but they become easily exhausted and are physically unable to keep up with what their brains want to do, or they are not feeling as great as they thought they would by this point.
  • Also, for most patients, their “help” is not available anymore, or feel their services are no longer required so the patient is trying to do more than their bodies are able. This is a good time to communicate to your helpers what you need so that your body can continue to heal.

Week 4

  • By week 4 after your mommy makeover, there should be a significant decrease in swelling, except for slight swelling near incisions, and you should have more energy.
  • Most of your liposuction bruising should be faded or gone by now.
  • You may resume some light exercise paying attention to any pain and stopping if it occurs.
  • Patients are usually able to wear tighter fitting clothing comfortably and the surgeon may update your compression garment instructions.

Week 5

  • Most patients are feeling significantly better in every respect and can safely resume most of their normal routines. The swelling should be nearly all gone and they are buying new clothes to show off their improved results.
  • Most are back to their normal routines with the exception of those who have jobs or lifestyles that require high levels of strenuous activity.

Week 6 and Beyond

  • The surgeon usually clears patients to resume all of their normal activities at this point.
  • Available energy should be back to pre-mommy makeover procedure levels.
  • Most if not all of the swelling and bruising is gone and incisions are pink and on their way to healing. Could take up to a year for scars to fade.
  • Patients are enjoying their results.

A mommy makeover may be just what you need to not only repair any cosmetic or structural damage done to your body by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding but also to give you a boost in self-esteem. If you are considering having a mommy makeover or learning more, the first step would be to set up a consultation with IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa , a division of IBI Healthcare Institute.

Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple-board certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer mommy makeovers for women in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, Duluth, Buckhead, and the surrounding areas of Atlanta, Georgia. We now have locations in Hudson, FL and Tampa, FL as well. Contact us today to schedule your mommy makeover!

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