If you have been thinking about having cosmetic surgery to get rid of the wrinkles, puffiness, or undereye bags that are so large you could pack for a trip to Europe, then you are looking into lower blepharoplasty surgery. This popular procedure is commonly referred to as an “eyelid lift,” and it can correct all these issues that result from aging and exposure to the elements.
Dr. Angelina Postoev, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon and founder of IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, is highly skilled in the art of blepharoplasty procedures that turn the clock back for her patients and restore a more youthful, refreshed appearance.
Today we are going to talk about surgery to correct issues that involve the lower eye area. We will outline what the surgery involves and also lower blepharoplasty recovery day by day, so you will have a comprehensive understanding of what you can expect.
An Overview Of The Lower Blepharoplasty Procedure
During a lower eye blepharoplasty, extra skin, fat, and muscle may be eliminated or moved around to get rid of unwanted under-eye bags, wrinkles, or the extra fat that creates those undesirable puffy spots directly under the eyes. Most individuals desire to have a smoother, more youthful appearance with greater definition under their eyes and tighter-looking skin.
The surgery involves the patient being put under anesthesia, after which the surgeon makes a small incision along the natural crease of the lower eyelid or just inside that area. The excess skin, fat, and muscle tissue are then corrected through trimming, elimination, or repositioning, and then the incisions are closed. Patients are taken to a recovery area to be monitored for a few hours before they are discharged home to begin their lower eyelid blepharoplasty recovery.
Lower Blepharoplasty Recovery Timeline
Every patient’s recovery from their lower eyelid lift will be slightly different depending on their age, the extent of the correction required, if a combination of surgeries was performed, their general health, and how well they care for themselves after they are released to go home. Although this may be a bit different for everyone, we have compiled this blepharoplasty recovery day-by-day timeline so you can get an idea of what to expect.
Day 1 (Surgery Day)
Patients can often go home the same day as their surgery, depending on how extensive the corrections are. If general anesthesia was used during your surgery, you might feel confused or groggy for the remainder of the day, and some patients experience side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
You may be discharged with medications prescribed by the surgeon that you need to take as directed. You may notice that your face is a bit tender, and bruises may be starting to form. The body’s normal response to injury is swelling, so you can expect this to start and become gradually worse for the first several days. The areas around your eyes may feel a bit tight, but this will dissipate over time.
You should be able to get around and use the bathroom, etc but you will be instructed to get as much rest as possible. Cool ice packs can be gently placed on your eyelids in 20-minute intervals to help mitigate swelling and bruising and to reduce the tight feeling.
Days 2 and 3
Swelling and bruising normally become worse during this time, which can cause discomfort. You will most likely wish to use the eye gel or drops the surgeon prescribed for you to help reduce the discomfort and help you heal faster. Sometimes these eye medications can cause your vision to be blurry or make your eyes feel tired, but this will go away when you stop using them.
It is very important to let your eyes get as much rest as possible, so you need to avoid doing anything that may strain them. This means you need to find something else to occupy your time besides watching TV, working on a computer, or looking through your social media accounts on your cell phone. It is recommended that you take at least one week off of work so you do not risk straining your eyes.
You are allowed to shower or bathe just as long as you take care not to get your eyelid area wet. While a slight splash of water will not be a show-stopper, you definitely want to avoid allowing them to remain wet for any length of time. You can try lowering the shower head so it is not positioned to hit your face, or you may wish to take a bath rather than a shower. You will also either want to wait for about a week to wash your hair or have someone else help you wash it so there is no way your eyes will get drenched.
Days 4 to 7
It is very important that you avoid strenuous activity, exercise, or lifting for at least six weeks, but you do need to be somewhat active and not sedentary. You can take short leisurely walks or do some gentle stretching during this time. If you venture outside, make sure to wear dark sunglasses to shield your healing eyes from bright sunlight and wind while helping to reduce eyestrain.
By this time, you can carefully wash your face and eye area with water, but you want to make sure you are super gentle so you do not cause the forming scabs to come loose and fall off too early. Gently pat your face dry with a soft cloth and avoid using back-and-forth rubbing motions.
Around day five, you can gradually start watching TV or scrolling through your phone, but take care not to expose your eyes to these sources of artificial light for long periods of time and take breaks if you experience discomfort. It is normal for your eyes to become easily fatigued during lower blepharoplasty recovery, so if you begin to feel tired, stop what you are doing, close your eyes, listen to music or an audiobook, and give your eyes a rest. You can always use ice packs for about 20 minutes as needed.
Usually, sometime between the 7th and the 10th day of your blepharoplasty recovery, you will see your surgeon for a follow-up and have your stitches removed.
Days 14 – 21
Your surgeon may give you the green light to return to work after your second week of recovery from a lower blepharoplasty if your job is not physically demanding. If your job involves a lot of physical labor, heavy lifting, working outdoors, or long hours of computer screen time, you may need to extend your time off to ensure your eyes are adequately healed. The recovery time for a lower blepharoplasty and the time needed off work is normally a bit longer than that of an upper eye lift.
Usually, barring any complications, at this time you may resume using makeup and skin care products.
Weeks 4 To 6
Most patients feel fully recovered between the fourth and sixth week and no longer show any signs of surgery. No one would be able to tell from their appearance that they even had an eyelift, so they don’t feel self-conscious about being seen at work or in public. Some patients may have some minor swelling that has yet to resolve, but it will continue to improve.
Once your recovery reaches the six-week mark, your surgeon will most likely clear you to return to all your previous activities, including strenuous workouts, running, or weight lifting. Just remember not to push yourself too far or too fast and to listen to your body.
What You Can Do To Ensure The Smoothest Recovery
There are 7 steps you can take to ensure your lower eyelid blepharoplasty recovery is free from complications and that your final results are all you hoped for.
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains. This will provide your body with the building blocks it needs to repair and heal the surgical wounds and for your body to recover from the process.
- Make sure you remain well hydrated, as water plays a vital role in wound healing and surgery recovery.
- Get enough sleep so your body has the energy it needs for the healing process to work efficiently. Quality sleep helps promote healing by producing endorphins that help reduce pain during your recovery and boost your immune system.
- Avoid drinking alcohol for at least a month during your recovery to help reduce the risk of excessive bruising and swelling. It also acts as a blood thinner and can hinder your recovery process.
- Do not smoke. It will interfere with your immune system and can increase the risk of infection. It delays the healing process by impeding the body’s process for transporting the necessary nutrients and materials to the surgical location.
- Once your incisions have healed, you can begin using an anti-scar treatment such as Mederma on your incisions. Your diet can also play an integral part in how well your scars heal. Your body will be producing new collagen to repair the incision sites, so eating healthy can ensure your body has what it needs to do a good job.
- Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle will help you retain the results of your surgery for as long as possible. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop the natural process of aging, but your cosmetic surgeon can help you choose high-quality skin care products that can help minimize the signs of aging and maintain your refreshed appearance.