Dr. Angelina Postoev, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, performs liposuction to enhance the contours of your body at IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Atlanta, GA.
Liposuction is a very popular surgical procedure that is done to remove excess fat deposits from the body. Each year, more than 250,000 procedures are performed in the United States alone and can be done as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with other surgical procedures such as a tummy tuck or thigh lift.
We are often asked by patients about liposuction scars and if they will have any or if there are ways to prevent them after undergoing the procedure. Today we will talk about scars from liposuction and ways you can mitigate their visibility.
Liposuction Scars
Yes, but their visibility can vary significantly. Any type of surgery that cuts through all the layers of your skin will result in a scar. There are different techniques used for liposuction, but all involve making tiny to smaller-sized incisions in different areas of the body depending on where the unwanted fat is located.
Next, the surgeon inserts a cannula through the incision to vacuum out the unwanted fat. The cannula is a medical device that looks like a hollow, thin metal tube that is attached to a machine that will provide suction to remove the fat it comes into contact with. Small cannulas are used for most liposuction procedures, but the length of the incision and the associated scars from liposuction will depend on the size of the cannula used.
Experienced surgeons like Dr. Angelina will take all precautions to camouflage the scar by hiding the incision in a crease or skin fold, if at all possible. Liposuction scars on the stomach or abdomen are some of the trickiest to hide because the area is usually fairly flat and free from creases or folds where an incision could be easily hidden.
Where Will My Liposuction Scars Be?
The location of the scars that will form after liposuction will depend on the treatment area. Some of the most common treatment areas include:
- Neck
- Neck liposuction scars will usually be very well hidden. Eliminating excess fat (submental) from the neck usually involves making small incisions behind the ears and under the chin. They are strategically placed to be as hidden as possible, with the incision under the chin being placed in the natural skin folds, which is well hidden, and the remaining incisions made behind each earlobe.
- Arms
- Arm liposuction scars can be well hidden in the folds in the armpit or more visible and be located somewhere along the inside of the arm between the elbow and the armpit. These scars are usually less than half an inch long and will lighten up over time with proper care.
- Thighs
- Liposuction scars on the thighs are usually hidden in the creases of the buttocks or the inner groin. If lipo is done on the outer thighs, the scars are normally located near the hip bone or the sides of the thigh.
- Abdomen
- Depending on the area targeted for fat removal, there may be a few small scars, one located near the top of the abdomen and the other near the bottom. Or the doctor may hide the incision in the belly button, which would result in no visible liposuction scars on the stomach.
What Can Be Done To Help Mitigate Liposuction Scars?
The best way to help prevent significantly visible scarring is to precisely follow the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon. Properly caring for your incisions will have a big impact on your final results. Some of the things that will impact how well your incisions heal include:
- Taking proper care of your surgical wounds. Adhering to the wound care instructions provided by your surgeon, including keeping it clean, keeping it dry, etc. Wearing your compression garments will keep the incisions stable and help them remain as flat as possible;
- Apply the topical medications recommended by your surgeon. They will help the incision heal without becoming infected, which can make scars worse;
- Do not smoke, as it will inhibit your healing;
- Keep newly healed incisions out of the sun. New skin can burn and become damaged very easily, which will inhibit the healing process;
- Eat a nutritious diet to give your body what it needs to perform its healing duties;
- Stay hydrated to flush out toxins and provide the fluid your body needs to optimally heal wounds;
- Get plenty of rest and do not perform activities that are off-limits. This way, you won’t accidentally open up an incision, and you will give your body the rest it needs so it can concentrate on healing;
- Once the scabs from your incisions heal, begin using a medical-grade scar gel treatment to help keep prominent scars from forming.
What Can Help Reduce The Visibility Of Scars From Liposuction?
If your liposuction scars do not fade to your satisfaction, there are several cosmetic treatments that are effective in minimizing the appearance of scars, including:
Some of these cosmetic treatments help to resurface the outer layers of the skin. Others target the deeper layers that provide structure for the skin to rest upon, and some do both. Treatments such as Morpheus8 or SylfirmX can help significantly fade or even eliminate the visibility of scarring.
Where Can I Learn More About Liposuction?
IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa offers liposuction procedures to remove unwanted fat from your body and give you a smoother, more toned appearance. Dr. Angelina will be able to answer all your questions about how liposuction will work for you and what scarring you can expect.
If you have had liposuction in the past and have visible scars you are concerned about, Dr. Angelina can create a plan to help reduce their appearance. Set up your consultation today to learn more.