It’s not unusual to find a lump or bump under your skin and become concerned about what it might be. Two of the most common types of lumps you may experience are lipomas and cysts, which are normally nothing to worry about medically, but they often create cosmetic concerns. They often look very similar on the surface, but the composition of a lipoma vs. cyst is different, and they can have different underlying causes as well as different treatment methods.
Today we are going to talk about the difference between cysts vs. lipomas. This will help you understand the difference and determine if you should seek treatment or consider cosmetic surgery for their removal. We will also provide information on how to improve the appearance of any scarring left behind.
What Is A Lipoma?
A lipoma is a benign, soft lump made up of fat cells that forms under the skin but above the muscle and feels soft when it is touched. Lipomas are usually not painful, and they tend to grow slowly and appear most often on the neck, shoulders, arms, thighs, and back, but they can manifest anywhere on the body where there are fat cells.
What Causes Lipomas?
Researchers have not uncovered the exact cause of lipomas, but there are some things that might increase an individual’s risk of developing them, including:
- Your genetics and family history. You have a greater chance of developing lipomas if someone in your family has had them;
- If you are over the age of 40, as they normally appear in older adults;
- Sometimes lipomas develop as a result of an injury.
What Is A Cyst?
Cysts look similar to lipomas because they are also lumps that form slowly beneath the skin, but they do not contain fat cells but are normally filled with fluid, pus, or another semi-solid material. They can develop anywhere on the body but are found most often on the face, neck, torso, or just above the cleft of the buttocks.
What Causes Cysts?
Most cysts are caused by skin cells that do not shed like they should and instead make their way into the deep epidermal layer, where they multiply. These rogue cells create a small sack and then begin to secrete the protein keratin, which collects inside and eventually congeals and turns into a thick yellow paste-like substance. Cysts can also be filled with other materials, but they will all normally ooze pus when pressure is applied to their surface. There are a few reasons why cysts can form, including:
- You can be predisposed to experiencing cysts due to your genetics;
- Clogged pores or hair follicles can result in the formation of a cyst;
- Cysts can form due to an infection or as a result of inflammation;
- Injuries sometimes cause cysts to develop.
What’s the Difference Between A Lipoma vs. Cyst vs.Tumor?
Anyone who finds an unexplained lump on their body understandably becomes concerned that it is a tumor, but cysts and lipomas are very common occurrences. For your peace of mind, you should get any type of lump checked out by your doctor so you know what you are dealing with and decide whether you want to seek any form of treatment.
- They are made from a collection of fat cells that grow slowly and are not a serious medical issue;
- They normally stay in one place and do not spread;
- They are round or oval and even in shape;
- They feel soft or squishy when touched;
- They move easily when pressed on;
- They are painless.
- Filled with fluid or semisolid material and can be uncomfortable if infected;
- They do not affect or spread to other nearby tissues;
- They appear round or dome-shaped and even on all sides;
- They are usually the same color as your skin, light brown, white, or yellowish;
- They are normally soft, flexible, and move easily when touched.
- Any unknown mass or growth can be called a tumor and they are not necessarily cancerous;
- May not be symmetrical;
- May cause other symptoms;
- Can vary in color;
- Can be painless or painful;
- Can grow rapidly or slowly.
Do Lipomas Or Cysts Need To Be Treated?
Most lipomas and cysts are harmless, and they do not need to be treated unless they are creating physical discomfort, growing large rapidly, or causing you to feel unhappy with your appearance. If you choose to have them removed, Dr. Angelina Postoev, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon with IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, can expertly and safely restore the appearance of your skin.
- Dr. Angelina can remove the lipoma through a small incision during a simple outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia;
- Sometimes, liposuction can be used to suction out the buildup of fat cells that caused the lipoma using just a tiny incision or puncture.

- Dr. Angelina can drain the fluid from inside the cyst, and sometimes this is sufficient and the cyst will go away;
- Sometimes surgery is needed to eliminate the entire cyst sac to ensure permanent removal and that the cyst does not come back.
When cysts or lipomas develop in areas like the face, neck, or hands, they are normally very visible, and having them removed by a cosmetic surgeon will help minimize permanent scarring. Dr. Angelina is highly experienced in removing these lumps with the least amount of scarring.
Is There A Way To Reduce The Appearance Of Scars From Cysts Or Lipomas?
If you have visible scarring from the removal of a cyst, lipoma, previous injury, etc., there are many cosmetic procedures that can help reduce their visibility and make them less noticeable. Some of these cosmetic treatments include:
- Morpheus8;
- SylfirmX;
- CoolPeel;
- Chemical peels.
When Should You See a Doctor?
If you notice a lump under your skin, it is a good idea to have it looked at by a doctor and find out the underlying cause. Chances are you are experiencing a lipoma or a cyst, which can be easily taken care of. You should see a doctor if:
- The lump grows very quickly;
- You begin to experience pain;
- The lump changes color or shape;
- You begin developing other symptoms like fever or redness, which could mean you have an infection.
Contact IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa For Lipoma Or Cyst Removal
Many people experience lipomas or cysts during their lifetime, and although they are harmless, they are often ugly and unwanted. Dr. Angelina can remove cysts and lipomas with minimal scarring and can perform treatments to further reduce the visibility of residual scarring. Set up your consultation today to learn more about how the professionals at IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa can keep your skin healthy, glowing, and younger-looking.