how to fix asymmetrical face

How to Fix An Asymmetrical Face

With just 2% of the population having symmetrical faces, “How to fix it?” is a very common question for an aesthetic treatment specialist. While a severe form of face asymmetry is usually fixed using cosmetic surgical procedures, moderate and mild asymmetry can be addressed non-surgically. Keep reading to learn what these procedures are about.

What Is Facial Asymmetry?

Facial asymmetry is a term that is used to describe when the two halves of the face are not exactly the same. Although no face is perfectly symmetrical, facial asymmetry implies differences that are beyond what’s considered “normal”. For instance, one eye is visibly larger than the other, or one eyebrow is explicitly higher than the other.

According to the Medical News Today, it is very common for an individual to have some asymmetry in their facial features. For many people, the differences are so slight that they are not obvious; but for others, it is more noticeable and causes embarrassment or lack of self-confidence .

What Causes Facial Asymmetry?

Facial asymmetry is considered very normal with only 2% of the population with symmetrical faces. Facial asymmetry can be attributed to genetics, sun damage, smoking, dental work, missing teeth, aging, an injury, or could be a result of a stroke, bells palsy, or other medical condition.

Why is Facial Symmetry Important?

The first impression we have of someone can influence the way we “feel” about that person. Our first impression is most influenced by that individual’s appearance. We can decide if we trust that person, think that person is kind, etc. There have been studies dedicated to this topic that clearly show that facial symmetry plays a large part in that first impression. The results of a 2005 study published by the National Library of Medicine revealed that the average person decides in 13 milliseconds how they feel about a face.

Through the decades the criteria of what constitutes beauty have changed but the fact that it affects social judgments has not. An article from August 2014 published in The Atlantic indicated that judging someone based on attractiveness has long-term consequences for those who are judged. It has been proven that attractive people are treated differently and normally have an easier time in life. The Association for Psychological Science reported that attractive people are often paid higher salaries for their work vs equally qualified or more qualified employees; cute children are thought smarter by teachers, etc.

The bottom line is that being considered attractive can influence your success in the workplace, in social situations, and even affect your earning potential. It is no surprise that cosmetic procedures to correct facial asymmetry and the signs of aging continue to increase in demand and are currently among the top requested procedures.

Can Facial Asymmetry Be Corrected?

Several aesthetic facial treatments can be used for asymmetrical face correction thanks to the advancements in cosmetic surgery and affiliated procedures. With a combination of non-surgical, surgical, minimally invasive treatments, or a combination of them, it is possible to balance facial proportions and reduce the signs of aging.

Surgical Procedures to Fix an Asymmetrical Face

Facial Implants – The facial asymmetry that is due to a skeletal structure can be corrected using implants. These implants are permanent and can be used to correct issues with the chin and cheeks. Implants can be made from silicone, metals, plastics, gels, etc.

Rhinoplasty – If you do not like the way your nose looks or if your nose has previously been broken and set incorrectly, a corrective rhinoplasty can be done to permanently fix it and make your nose look more symmetrical or proportionate.

Ear Surgery – An individual with prominent ears usually has more noticeable asymmetry of the face. For most individuals whose ears are within the normal projection, it is difficult to view both ears at the same time to visually compare them. Otoplasty is a procedure that can change a patient’s ear shape or the amount the ears protrude from the head while enhancing facial symmetry.

Eyes & Eyebrows Surgery – An eyebrow lift can be done to open up the eyes and better position the eyebrows. In addition to the eyebrows, the eyes themselves may not be level or the eyelids may droop on one or both eyes. Eyelid surgery also called blepharoplasty can be done to correct this.

Facelift & Neck Lift can considerably enhance and correct facial asymmetry by elevating the sides of the face so they are even and more balanced. Facelift and neck lift would also remove any excess skin and leave the face and neck looking more youthful.

Video: Facelift And Neck Lift Surgery for Facial Asymmetry

Non-Surgical Solutions for an Asymmetrical Face

There are a variety of dermal fillers and techniques that can be used to even out volume loss and correct facial asymmetry. If the facial imbalance is due to low or uneven tissue, volume fillers work very well to even things out.

Dermal fillers are not a permanent solution and need ongoing maintenance but provide a non-surgical and quick solution. One great advantage to fillers is that most are composed of hyaluronic acid which can be counteracted and dissolved if unexpected results occur. This is not possible with permanent surgery.

Botox® which is an injectable medium can be used to even out uneven muscle activity and create a more balanced look. Botox works by paralyzing the muscles that move when repeated facial expressions are performed. Normally as we age, crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles appear because we have spent many years smiling, frowning, laughing, etc.

When Botox is injected into those areas of the face, it keeps the muscle from moving when we make these facial expressions and keeps the wrinkles from showing up. Botox and dermal fillers work very well together to correct facial asymmetry.

Which Areas Of The Face Can Be Corrected Using Dermal Fillers?


Chin sculpting is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that can correct a “weak” or “small” chin or one that has some irregularities. Dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin to improve volume, projection, or chin definition enhancing the contour of the face by bringing balance to the features. Chin sculpting is often done in tandem with nose sculpting to maintain aesthetically pleasing proportions.

Chin sculpting is often done to make a woman’s face appear more feminine by softening its shape or can help a man obtain a more sculpted masculine jawline.


A non-surgical rhinoplasty can resolve a range of issues using hyaluronic acid dermal fillers such as:

  • Creating the look of a straighter and smaller nose by correcting a dorsal hump;
  • Building up a shallow nasal bridge;
  • Correcting a septum deviation optically;
  • Non-surgical nasal tip rotation to raise the tip of the nose.


Cheek fillers can give your face natural-looking volume and a younger appearance by bringing a more balanced look and making the cheekbones more prominent. At IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa we use Juvederm® Voluma for cheek sculpting. Vollure is another dermal filler of the Juvederm® family that can smooth the nasolabial fold lines – the lines that run from the nose down to the mouth. This can give the face a universally lifted look. Sometimes targeted liposuction is used to remove excess fat from one cheek to bring it into balance with the other.

Video: Filling Cheeks with Juvederm® Voluma


Lip fillers such as Juvederm® Volbella can be used to correct uneven lips or lips that sag on one side throwing off the symmetry of the face.


The placement of our eyebrows is genetically determined but sometimes it is necessary to turn to a cosmetic procedure to make the most of what nature gave us. High eyebrows that look defined but natural can make eyes stand out and appear bigger and open but low eyebrows can do the opposite, making the eyes look small and heavy. Botox can help raise the skin on the upper third of the face which will cause the brows to lift as well as tighten the skin on the forehead offering a more youthful appearance.

FAQs About Facial Symmetry

How long do the results of facial symmetry treatment last?
The longevity of the results will depend on the specific procedures chosen by you and your Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. Surgical procedures will be permanent while dermal fillers and other injectables will be temporary and require maintenance. Botox will need to be refreshed about every 6-9 months and the longevity of each dermal filler varies but will usually last from 12 months to 2 years.
Do lifestyle habits affect facial symmetry?
Habitually sleeping on one side can cause wrinkles to form and be deeper on that side of the face so sleeping on your back is recommended to preserve facial asymmetry. Asymmetry in the eyes, nose, or lips may be offset by parting your hair on the side opposite of the imbalanced feature and avoiding a “center” part as it will accentuate any imbalances.
I have read on the internet that facial exercises can help to fix asymmetrical face. Is that true?

There are some anecdotal accounts from individuals on social media that have cited certain exercises for correcting asymmetry in different parts of the face. However, overall there is no scientific evidence indicating this is factual.

The muscles in the face pull on the skin and stretch it out, especially when doing repeated facial expressions. This is what causes crow’s feet, smile lines, and forehead wrinkles. Botox is used to counteract the wrinkles that are created by these repeated motions. It does not make sense that doing a repeated facial exercise would tone muscles and tighten the skin, it would do the opposite.

If the individual is overweight and their face or neck has excess fat, then diet and exercise will help to slim their face and will result in more evenly proportioned features. There are some exercises that can help firm and tighten muscles in the neck that can enhance the contours of the jawline.

How do I learn more about what I can do to fix my asymmetrical face?

Visiting a board certified cosmetic surgeon with expertise in facial procedures is the first step to attaining your desired aesthetic. Your surgeon can tailor a treatment plan to enhance the symmetry of your face using the best procedures for you.

If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic surgery or dermal fillers on your face, please contact IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa and set up a consultation with Dr. Angelina Postoev.

Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer facial symmetry treatments for men and women in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, Buckhead, and the surrounding areas of Atlanta, Georgia.


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