Eyelid Surgery: 7 Steps to Rejuvenated Eyes

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that eliminates excess skin and fat from the eyelids. The natural process of aging can cause the skin on the eyelids to stretch, and this extra skin and fat can collect above and below the eyelids. The result is drooping upper lids, bags under the eyes, and sagging eyebrows.

Blepharoplasty is one of the most sought-after eye rejuvenation procedures and one of the most performed cosmetic procedures in the United States. There are several reasons why both men and women choose to undergo blepharoplasty. The majority of our patients seek under-eye rejuvenation and a more youthful appearance. It’s truly phenomenal how small changes in your eye area can affect your entire appearance as well as boost your confidence!

What to Expect from Eyelid Surgery: Step-By-Step Guide

After you make the big decision to undergo a blepharoplasty eye rejuvenation treatment, you will need to decide when you would like to have your surgery. It typically takes about a month after your surgery for all traces of the procedure to disappear and for the final results to be evident.

If you have a special event coming up and want to look your best, you just need to plan ahead and schedule your eye rejuvenation surgery at least a month in advance so you will have enough time to prepare and recover. Here is a step-by-step outline of the blepharoplasty surgery timeline.

1. Make an appointment

The first step is to call our office and make an appointment for an in-person consultation with Dr. Angelina Postoev (or one of our skilled surgeons). Teleconsults are available for the first step in the process if that is more convenient for your schedule.

2. Prepare for the consultation

During your consultation the surgeon will go over some medical history with you, address any concerns you may have, answer your questions, and also discuss your eyelid surgery goals and expectations Some of the information that will be discussed during the consultation may include:

  • Your general health and any previous or current eye conditions;
  • Previous surgeries, including cosmetic surgeries;
  • Current medications, including food supplements and vitamins;
  • Discuss any allergies to anesthesia or other drugs;
  • And more… (your surgeon will ask a few questions to evaluate your individual needs);
  • The surgeon will discuss anesthesia options and go over postoperative treatment requirements;
  • One of the professionals will take photos of your face before the surgery to help plan the strategy for surgery and evaluate the final results;
  • To properly prepare you for eyelid surgery, the surgeon might also need to order some lab tests.

3. Preparing For Your Eye Rejuvenation Surgery

  • You will need to stop taking any medications that increase the chance of bleeding (anti-inflammatory drugs and some prescription medications that you will have previously discussed with the surgeon);
  • Quit smoking at least a month before the surgery;
  • Assemble your support team. You will need a ride home on the day of the surgery and support in the following days. Arrange for support with the kids, pets, meals, errands, and other daily necessities for at least a week;
  • Create a recovery space. You should have a spot set up where you can sit or recline with your head elevated and you may wish to declutter a bit in case you return home with bandages that obscure your sight;
  • Prepare some meals in advance or stock up on freezer meals;
  • Plan and prepare some things you can do while you rest during the first week. You will recover faster and feel more comfortable if you can let your eyes rest as much as possible. Audiobooks, podcasts, and music are great things to have ready to get you through the first week. Computer screens and tv may be too harsh for your eyes for a few days;
  • Stock up on ice: it is useful for making ice packs for the first few days after eye rejuvenation procedures;
  • Clear your calendar in advance. You will need time to stay home and recover;
  • Talk to your surgeon about other preparation steps you might need to take based on your circumstances.

4. Surgery day

Blepharoplasty is a very delicate procedure, it requires a very skilled, board-certified surgeon to perform it. At IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, on the day of the surgery, you will go through three main stages: anesthesia, incisions (the surgery), and closure of the incisions.

The incisions will differ depending on what the surgery is correcting (upper, lower eyelid, or both)

  • During upper eye rejuvenation surgery, an incision is made along the natural crease just above your eye. (the scar will be hidden in this crease) Extra skin and fat are eliminated and the skin is pulled taut to reduce sagging while still preserving the natural eye contour and then the incision is closed.
  • During under-eye rejuvenation, the surgeon creates an incision along the lower lash line and then removes or repositions excess fat and skin.

The incisions are usually closed with tiny stitches or special glue. If the surgeon uses stitches they will normally be removed at your follow-up appointment after surgery.

5. Recovery period

Typically, healing after blepharoplasty takes about one month for full completion but most patients feel like themselves after about a week. Bruising and swelling are normal and can last three to four weeks. If you have a special event to attend, you should plan in advance so your eyes will be fully healed. Your surgeon will provide you with any other instructions for faster healing pertaining to your specific procedure.

6. Enjoy your refreshed self

Results are gradually revealed and sometimes visible within one to two weeks after the surgery. Once the swelling and/or bruising goes down, you will experience the transformation that eye rejuvenation surgery can bring to your face. It’s exciting to compare your photos before and after the procedure!

Upper blepharoplasty results

7. Make sure to take care of your eye area

The results of blepharoplasty are long-lasting but no surgery can stop the natural process of aging so using a proper skincare routine and living a healthy lifestyle can help you enjoy the results longer. According to the statistics available today, most patients never repeat eyelid cosmetic surgery.

If you are interested in learning more about eye rejuvenation surgery and how it can help restore a more youthful look to your face, set up a consultation with IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa today!

Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) for men and women in Atlanta, Suwanee, Johns Creek, and the surrounding areas of Georgia.

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