Breast Reduction Surgery: Popular FAQs Answered

If you are one of many women considering breast reduction surgery , you are well aware of all the downsides disproportionately large breasts can bring to a woman’s life. Big breasts can get saggy overtime, lose shape, and often get unsightly stretch marks after breastfeeding;  it is also almost impossible to find the right bra.

However, the most serious consequence of large breasts is physical discomfort. Because of extra pressure on the spine, back pain, migraines, sleep problems, and sometimes serious conditions like scoliosis and osteochondrosis can develop. These issues can pile up like a snow ball and on occasion,  result in accompanying self-esteem issues, and even anxiety or depression. 

At IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer breast reduction surgery to women in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, and the surrounding areas of Georgia.

Breast Reduction: So Many Questions That Need Answers 

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce breasts that involves resection of excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. The count of mammary glands gets reduced, and the breast takes on a much more toned and beautiful shape. Contrary to a popular misconception, breast reduction is not only for aging women or women after breastfeeding and childbirth; breast reduction is commonly performed on women of all ages if:

  • carrying pounds of extra wight on their shoulders is physically and emotionally exhausting; 
  • large breasts cause discomfort and/or pain;
  • large breasts do not allow them to find the right bras or clothing;

Therefore, you can consider breast reduction surgery at any age, when you are ready. There is no reason to wait and postpone if you experience any physical or emotional discomfort. Many women wait for 20-30 years before deciding on surgery, and having gone through breast reduction, they regret not deciding to do this earlier. 

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

After removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, incisions will need to heal but scars will remain hidden. During the surgery, you will sleep under general anesthesia while we do the procedure. The initial recovery after breast reduction can take 2-3 days, when some pain management is needed (like pain medicine). But not all women experience the amount of pain that calls for pain medicine; in many cases, regular over the counter Ibuprofen or Tylenol is sufficient. A lot of women experience immediate relief from pain in their shoulders and back (because they no longer carry the weight of large breasts), and some post-operative discomfort that may occur pales in comparison to their pre-operative pain. Overall healing takes several weeks, and some tape or dressing may be needed for a short time.

How Much Does a Breast Reduction Surgery Cost in Atlanta?

Here, in IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa on average, breast reduction surgery costs about $9,000. Our prices include the surgeon’s fee, anesthesiologist’s fee, facility fee, medication that is required during surgery, as well as follow-ups and pre-op visits. The exact fee varies based on individual circumstances and where the surgery is performed (outpatient facility vs hospital, for example).  It’s no secret that when you go to a hospital and pay out-of-pocket, prices usually go up by at least 60% (the procedure’s cost can range between $16,000 to $25,000). During your initial consultation, our team will discuss the cost of the entire procedure and share information about our flexible financing options.

Schedule Your Breast Reduction Consultation Today!

Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer breast reduction procedures for women in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, and the surrounding areas of Georgia. To learn more about breast reduction, contact us to schedule a consultation.

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