What Is Lower Blepharoplasty?

A lower eyelid lift (lower lid blepharoplasty) is a cosmetic surgery that is done to refresh the undereye area. The area under the eyes is one of the first areas that show the natural signs of aging.

The thin skin can become crepey, begin to sag, or can become puffy due to excess fat deposits that tend to settle there. The good news is that an under-eye blepharoplasty can eliminate a tired droopy appearance making you look more youthful and refreshed.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty?

Individuals who have visible “under-eye bags” caused by wrinkled and sagging lower lids that make them appear chronically tired can benefit from a lower eye blepharoplasty. Also, some people are genetically predisposed as they age to develop fat deposits in this delicate under-eye area. Removing this fat eliminates the appearance of fatigue and can shave years off your appearance.

The basic requirements to qualify for under-eye blepharoplasty include:

  • Patient must be in overall good health;
  • Patient does not smoke;
  • Patient has goals and expectations that are realistic.

How Long Does Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Take?

It typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour to perform blepharoplasty under the eyes if you are opting to treat only this area. If you are having both an upper and lower blepharoplasty procedure, the surgery will usually take slightly over two hours.

What Is The Procedure For Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty?

1. Anesthesia is administered
An under-eyelid lift can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Your surgeon will advise you during your initial consultation on which type of anesthesia is recommended for your specific circumstances.
2. The incision Is created
The surgeon will make a small incision along the lower lash line inside of the eyelid (transconjunctival incision) or just under the lower lash line on the outside (subciliary incision)
The scars from an internal lower lid incision will be invisible because it was created on the inside and the scars from an incision under the lash line will be barely visible, and highly camouflaged because of its location.
3. Loose skin and fat are removed
The surgeon pulls up any extra skin and removes it with a scalpel. Next, any excess fat that has collected under the eyes can be repositioned or removed. The subciliary incision offers the surgeon more accessibility to modify tissues and address muscle laxity in the undereye area.
4. The incisions are closed
The Incisions are closed with special stitches that dissolve over time and do not need to be removed by the surgeon.

After lower eyelid blepharoplasty, your eyes will look brighter, and more alert, and you will look better rested and refreshed.

What Is The Recovery From An Under Eyelid Lift?

After undergoing a lower eyelid blepharoplasty you can expect some normal bruising and swelling. The bruising and swelling tend to be more significant with the subciliary incision but will dissipate over time.

The area around the incision may also appear red but this will fade as time goes on as well. Some patients might experience excessive tearing or dryness in their eye area after the surgery. The surgeon may prescribe a special ointment if the dryness is excessive.

Some patients experience temporary blurred vision caused by the ointment that is used during the lower eye blepharoplasty procedure. Also, for the first several days during recovery, the eyes may be sensitive to light.

Most patients do not experience pain or limitations after having under-eye blepharoplasty and in a word they feel fine. Their recovery is more “social” and they may shy away from certain situations because they still have bruising and swelling and do not feel like they look their best. Most patients find that the swelling and bruising have cleared up around three weeks after their lower eye blepharoplasty but it can take a few months for complete healing. Many feel confident about venturing into public after about two weeks.

Lower eye blepharoplasty can change a patient’s outward appearance but also can give their self-esteem a significant boost. Contact IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa & Asethetics today and schedule a consultation to learn more about how a lower eyelid lift can benefit you.

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