Breast Implant Revision Before & After Gallery
Breast Implant Revision Before and After
This patient‘s breast implant revision before and after pictures clearly show that over time one of the breasts began to sag making her breasts uneven. The picture that is from only two months later shows the correction.

Before And After Breast Implant Revision with Breast Lift
This breast implant revision before and after is showing the correction of breast implants that are 20 years old. The patient had also experienced capsular contracture which was corrected and new implants were placed. A breast lift was performed which restored the aesthetics of her breasts and placed them in a more natural position.

Real patients, real results. Photos in this breast implant revision before and after gallery show real results of IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa patients published with their consent.
Dr. Angelina Postoev is a triple-board certified cosmetic surgeon at IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa with excellent breast implant revision reviews and results. Make your appointment today to obtain your aesthetic goals.
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