Cosmetic Procedures by Dr. Angelina Postoev

AccuTite Before & After Gallery

Before and After Accutite - Eyes

Before and After Accutite - Eyes
Before and After Accutite - Eyes

Puffy undereye area, crepey skin around the eyes, and dark circles are some of the first signs of aging that tend to manifest on our faces. AccuTite can correct these problem areas and reverse the signs of aging. When comparing AccuTite before and after pictures you will notice that the procedure has taken years off the eye area! It is no wonder the Accutite reviews are raving!

Real patients, real results. Photos in this before and after gallery show real results of IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa patients published with their consent.

Compare the patient’s dark circles and puffy undereye area before and after Accutite for eyes was performed.

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