The standard for male attractiveness centers around the “ideal” masculine facial structure including a squared-off visible jawline, pronounced chin, and high strongly defined cheekbones. Individuals surveyed almost all unanimously chose men with strong jawlines as having more sex appeal. More men are now learning that they can visually enhance areas of their faces non-surgically with jaw fillers for men and reap the benefits both socially and in business.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that more men have been receiving cosmetic procedures year over year and this trend is not only occurring in the U.S. but abroad as well. Plastic surgeons from the UK reported a 70% increase in consultations from male patients requesting Botox and dermal fillers since 2020.
According to Esquire magazine, many men felt obligated to appear “Zoom ready” and were prompted to seek aesthetic help due to their job requiring them to do business through video calls. In this era of selfies, Instagram, and video conferencing it is not surprising that men are looking for quick non-surgical solutions to look their best.
Why Are More Men Requesting Cosmetic Facial Treatments?
Just like women, a man’s appearance is reviewed and categorized by certain attributes and features, even though, the ones judging are typically doing it subconsciously. An interesting study revealed that within 13 seconds of meeting someone and looking at their face, most of us have made some type of determination on whether we trust that person, feel comfortable with that person, and often if we want to do business with that person. Men in the workplace are striving to advance their careers and social lives and are now seeing the benefits that cosmetic injections and treatments like Brotox and dermal fillers for men can bring.
What Are the Most Popular Cosmetic Facial Enhancements For Men?
The top procedures that men are requesting to date are enhancements to their jawlines and chins. Men are seeking more definition in their jawlines and to either enhance their chin or reduce a visible double chin.
A masculine jawline is well-defined with the latter part of the cheek curved and pronounced. This helps to show a clear separation of the chin from the neck while creating a strong angular facial definition. Cosmetic treatments can provide men with:
- Square-looking chiseled jawline;
- Chin structure improvements;
- Better facial framing;
- Restoration of age-related loss of volume;
- Reduction of the double chin appearance;
- Volume to bulk out a narrow jawline;
- A stronger more structural-looking jawline.
Video: Cosmetic Procedures for Men at IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
How Can Jaw Fillers Help Men Achieve Their Desired Look?
Dermal fillers can enhance the natural structure of the male facial bones when injected into the sides of the jaw, chin, and other strategic places. When dermal fillers are injected into the angular part of the jaw, it enhances the projection and creates strong structured lines producing a more streamlined pleasing look. The chin can also be enhanced by injecting filler into the lateral borders to give it that squared chiseled look.
Most men would like a strong and angular jawline without looking “too perfect or overdone”. Traditionally filler is applied around the outer edges of the face and mid-face first to elevate these areas before adding filler to the jawline. By elevating and strengthening the support areas of the jaw we can produce a well-balanced, natural-looking result that is fully proportionate without overdoing it.
Treatments normally only take about 30 minutes with no associated downtime so men can return to their normal routine while enjoying the visual results immediately. Choosing the correct exceptionally skilled cosmetic surgeon is the key to attaining the look you desire.
Which Jawline Fillers Are Good For Men?
The only fillers recommended by reputable cosmetic surgeons are FDA-approved fillers from well-known manufacturers such as Juvéderm®. Men’s jawline treatments are well served by fillers like Juvéderm® Volux which is thicker and able to hold form delivering a sharp and more balanced profile. This filler works well as it can support and elevate the jawline with long-lasting results. Juvéderm® offers a host of products that are specifically tailored to provide strategic solutions for different areas of the face
What Other Procedures Can Enhance Masculinity in Face?
Double Chin Reduction
A man’s chin is the focal point of his lower face and an integral contributor to the attractiveness and masculinity of his face as a whole. The shape, width, height, and projection of the chin are structurally determined by the bones underneath, coupled with the properties of muscle and fat layered on top however, the look can be altered with fillers and other cosmetic procedures.
There are instances where fat and other factors can mask a naturally strong-looking jawline. Removing a bit of fat with different techniques such as AccuTite™ or Chin Liposuction can be used to reveal the hidden jawline and to enhance a masculine look.
Kybella® is another non-surgical treatment that injects synthetic deoxycholic acid to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin – submental fat. Morhpeus8 applies different technology to fight fat under the chin.

Several surgical techniques can be used to provide facial contouring that is more permanent. Chin and cheek implants are some of the popular cosmetic surgeries performed on men.
Brotox aka Botox® For Men
Last year men requested over 500,000 Botox procedures which coined a new phrase and is referred to as Brotox. Men, just like women, can develop crow’s feet, laugh lines, and forehead lines so they are starting to jump on the bandwagon in droves. Botox is minimally invasive and is done by injecting botulinum toxin into certain facial muscles which paralyzes them and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Combo Male Treatments
Each patient’s treatment is customized to suit their needs with their desired aesthetic results in mind. For some patients, a combination of techniques, cosmetic treatments, surgery, or fillers would provide the best results. Depending on which conditions are being addressed, skin concerns, narrow weak-looking jaw, asymmetry or, signs of aging, etc a unique plan can be created and tailored for each patient.
Aging can cause us to lose collagen and elastin causing our skin to droop and sag so these issues would have to be addressed in addition to the use of jaw fillers for men to effectively create the desired aesthetic look. In this case, a combination of procedures such as FaceTite™ and dermal fillers may be needed to create a sculpted refined neck and jawline. Men with weak jawlines may require fillers to add volume in their cheeks and chin but also may require a procedure to sculpt and refine their neck, defining their jawline and creating a clear definition between the two.
We are fortunate to live in a time where we have access to highly skilled professionals who understand facial anatomy, skin conditions, and these amazing procedures. Booking a consultation with IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa is the first step in attaining that masculine-defined jawline or more youthful-looking face you desire.
Dr. Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer jaw fillers for men in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, Buckhead, and the surrounding areas of Atlanta, Georgia. To learn more about facial sculpting for men, contact us to schedule a consultation.
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