All About 500cc Breast Implants

Over the years, beauty ideals have changed, and today more women desire a more natural look even when they are undergoing cosmetic enhancements such as breast augmentation. At one time, large breast enhancements were popular, and women would request 500cc implants, but current beauty trends lean toward smaller sizes that look more natural and proportionate to their frame.

Today we are going to look at some of the reasons behind these shifting preferences and smaller breast implant sizes. We will take a look at historical influences driving popular implant sizes as well as some practical aspects of the changing shift toward the more natural.

A Shift In Historical Trends Towards Larger Breast Implants of 500cc

Despite the fact that many studies have sought to establish a universal criterion for what constitutes beauty and the perfect figure, the fact remains that these conceptions vary widely among different cultures and individuals. Not only that, but these ideals can and do change on a regular basis. A quick review of beauty trends in the United States for the past 75 years is proof enough that this is true.

In the 1950s and the days of Marilyn Monroe, larger breast sizes were coveted, and again in the 1980s with the influence of Baywatch and Pamela Anderson. Cosmetic surgery allowed women to increase the size of their breasts with both saline and silicone implants, but most women preferred the feel and appearance of the silicone. In the 1990s, there were some problems with silicone implants, and they were taken off the market for several years. During this time, women still continued to have breast augmentation surgery to change the size of their breasts, but they used saline implants during these surgeries.

While these saline implants were considered safer, some women did not think that they offered the same natural feel as the silicone ones. During the next several years, a large amount of research and advancements in technology led to the development of safer, and more enhanced silicone breast implant. The FDA ban was lifted and so were the restrictions on these types of implants, so in 2006, women were allowed to choose these as an option again for their augmentations.

Historically, there were times when slimmer builds and smaller breasts were considered in style, and fashionable such as in the 1920s and the 1970s. Today, more women prefer more natural looking breasts so these are in the most demand. Thankfully, advancements in cosmetic surgery, along with the large variety of implant sizes, shapes, and types to choose from have made achieving a desired look both safe and attainable.

Are 500cc Silicone Breast Implants Considered Large?

The sizes for silicone breast implants run from small to extra large, with breast implants of 500cc classified as large and anything over that as extra large. The size classifications are as follows:

  1. Small: 150–200cc;
  2. Medium: 300–350cc;
  3. Large: 400–500cc;
  4. Extra Large: over 500cc.

Each breast implant not only contains a specific volume of silicone, but it also has a profile classification that determines how far the implant protrudes from the chest. The volume of silicone and the chosen profile are factors that determine the final results and size of the breasts. The profile classifications are as follows:

  • Low-profile implants offer minimal projection from the chest wall and appear relatively flat and soft.
  • Moderate Profile pmplants offer moderate projection from the chest and appear the most natural.
  • High-profile implants offer the maximum projection from the chest wall and appear round and prominent.

It is important to keep in mind that 500cc breast implants will present differently depending on the profile of the implant and the individual’s natural body build. A very tall woman with a medium build may achieve natural-looking breasts with a 500cc breast implant with a low or moderate profile, while that size may be much too large for a more petite woman.

What Is The Most Popular Size Breast Implant?

In recent years, there has been a change in trends regarding breast size, and unnaturally large breasts are no longer seen as a symbol of sexual liberation or individuality but as artificial and sometimes even tacky. An increase in women focused on self-care and their health and well-being has also influenced the shift away from disproportionately large breasts, resulting in women opting for a more natural look. These days, most women simply want to enhance their natural beauty and be the best version of themselves.

The trends in the United States reflect that many women prefer implant sizes in the range of 350–400cc. This size range is preferred because it can create a noticeable change in breast size while still maintaining a natural and proportionate appearance.

For women with an average height and build, implant volumes ranging from 300–400cc are typically similar in size to a C-cup bra. Using a 300cc or 325cc implant may work best for you if you desire a slight C-cup, but if you are desiring a full C-cup, one in the range of 375cc or 400cc may work best for you. Keep in mind that the projection level you choose will also have an impact on the overall size of your breasts.

Some Potential Disadvantages Of Larger 500cc Breast Implants

In addition to their aesthetic desire to appear more natural, some women also have concerns that breast implants that are too large for their frame will ultimately cause them problems. Some of their concerns include:

  • Chronic back pain;
  • The need for revisional breast surgery;
  • Complications down the road resulting from the creation of the larger breast pocket if they ever choose to remove or reduce the size of their implants;
  • Large silicone implants require longer incisions, which can produce visible scarring;
  • The visibility of rippling in breast implants may be more noticeable when there is less natural breast tissue to provide coverage;
  • The likelihood of capsular contracture is greater when implants are overly large because they may extend or distort the organic breast tissue;
  • Larger implants carry a higher risk of becoming displaced compared to smaller implants;
  • The increased potential of experiencing post-procedure nipple sensation loss;
  • The increased likelihood of experiencing breast drooping more quickly compared to those with smaller implants (In some cases, this may necessitate a breast lift procedure to address the issue);
  • The increased risk of developing stretch marks;
  • The possibility of breast shape abnormalities, such as a double bubble;
  • The issues associated with shopping for clothing that fits when breasts are disproportionate compared to the rest of their size.

How Do I Know If 500cc Silicone Breast Implants Are The Best Size For Me?

When it comes to choosing the right breast implant size for you, it is important to consider the shape, volume, and implant profile that best complement your unique body and the results you desire. Sometimes there is confusion when trying to determine the best implant size because implant volumes are measured in cc units and bra manufacturers use cup sizes. A general rule of thumb is that 150-200cc usually translates to one cup size, but this can vary between bra manufacturers.

The Experts At IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa Can Help You Choose The Best Breast Implants To Give You The Results You Want

The best way to determine the right breast implant for you is to make an appointment with IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. During your personal consultation, we will listen to your desires and needs, and we will use our expertise and comprehensive selection of implants to choose the ones that fit best. We are happy to answer any questions you have and address any concerns.

We are here to help you achieve your desired aesthetic while prioritizing your safety. Today, there are endless possibilities to achieve your desired aesthetic and become the best version of yourself! You can be sure that the team at IBI Plastic Surgery & Med Spa will deliver top-quality results and the highest standard of patient care. Set up your consultation today to learn more about breast augmentation and whether it is right for you.

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